In Thailand, most prospects and motorcycle owners tend to search for product and service information from third-party social media or contact offline distributors instead of receiving information from brands directly. Moreover, the time that motorcycle buyers take to decide on purchasing a motorcycle is relative short compared to a car.

How can Yamaha successfully
reach their target and
offer the
right content
the right time?
Process marketing automation through LINE, the most popular chat platform among Thai people, to tailor communications to target segments throughout their buyer journey.
Where can i get the best offer?
When is the next scheduled

Is this model right for me?
I am worried about the leasing.
The 1 on 1 in-depth interview was conducted to discover motorcycle buyers' insights, pain points and find the new opportunities.

Automation workflows were designed to offer personalized experiences based on persona, users' interest, and their buyer stage. Different automation mechanics such as scoring, rule-based, etc. are designed to identify users as accurately as possible.

The workflow is initialy build on the Acquia platform and then integrated with LINE AM PM, utilizing VML proprietary technology to ensure a smooth, personalized experience on the LINE platform. With LINE AM PM, workflows can be effortlessly duplicated and applied to different motorcycle models, streamlining processes and simplifying maintenance efforts.

Marketing automation contents are designed emphasizing the Yamaha's unique identity; excitement and emotion-filled moments. This includes applying perspective and out-of-frame design to draw attention, and employing diagonal lines to create a captivating dynamic feeling.
Additionally, it take into account designs that attract the interest of different audience segments of each motorcycle model.
Data Cleansing
Enables Yamaha to access current and precise customer information.
Customer Engagement
Effectively communicate about the membership program to customers.